Vague Associations with BOB

When I first moved to Baltimore about 7 years ago, I quickly realized that the primary “cool” publication to be associated with was the Baltimore City Paper. They put out a “Best Of Baltimore” Issue every year and to be named within it is a much coveted distinction (that some people have even been know to campaign for). Well of course I soon made it my goal to one day be named within it’s pages.

I wish I could say that I’ve achieved that goal, but alas, I have not…. although I’m getting close. This year Several things to which I am vaguely associated were named and I can’t help but feel a little bit of pride, even if it is a stretch to say that I had anything to do with them getting the award.

Baltimore Rock Opera Society (I was props master and trombone player in their production of “Murdercastle” which merited the award)
Best Ambition

1814: The Rock Opera  (I was the “Stage Manager, Mic Wrangler and Props Designer)
Best Historic Reenactment

An Innocent Looking Bookstore   (I was a guest, and also voiced one of their segment liners, not to mention the few times I contributed to their “Querstions” segment)
Best Offensive Podcast
– Best Baltimore Podcast (Readers Poll)

I should also mention that “Digression Sessions,” another podcast I guested on, was nominated and made it to the top 3 of Best Baltimore Podcasts….

I’d still like expound here even more, but this post is getting closer to what I want it to be…

Check back in a few days to see if I’ve updated this post anymore.